Hazyfix® Optima Dry
An Excellent Strategic Solution
Unique Biological Approach for Multi-Toxin Management
A Complete Solution to Protect Feed and Rescue
Animals from Toxicity
Hazyfix® Optima Dry is a scientifically designed formula for all livestock feed to offer extraordinary protection against multi-toxins and rapid repossession of animals from severe toxicosis.
Complete feed contaminated by multi-toxins at high risk and rescue level.
For extreme protection and recovery of breeder and parent birds in all stages.
Fish feed with high risk of hazardous contaminations.
Pigs feed, especially for sows and gilts in-order to sustain the optimum reproduction and immunity.
Key Benefits:
Adsorbs a wide range of mycotoxins.
Binds all hazardous (Biological & Chemical) molecules in the feed.
Detoxifies phyto-toxins and other toxins through biological action.
Improves metabolism in the gut.
Regulates pH balance in the GIT.
Enhances the beneficial biotic balance and reduces pathogenic proliferation.
Enhances immunity and feed intake.
Protects and rehabilitates the liver and kidney.
Rescues animals from severe toxicity.
Maximizes the profits of farmers & feed millers by perfect optimum FCR.