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Hazyfix® Optima Dry

An Excellent Strategic Solution 

Unique Biological Approach for Multi-Toxin Management​

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A Complete Solution to Protect Feed and Rescue
Animals from Toxicity


HAZYFIX OPTIMA DRY Brochure AW 17-06-20.

Hazyfix® Optima Dry is a scientifically designed formula for all livestock feed to offer extraordinary protection against multi-toxins and rapid repossession of animals from severe toxicosis.



  • Complete feed contaminated by multi-toxins at high risk and rescue level.

  • For extreme protection and recovery of breeder and parent birds in all stages.

  • Fish feed with high risk of hazardous contaminations.

  • Pigs feed, especially for sows and gilts in-order to sustain the optimum reproduction and immunity.


Key Benefits:

  • Adsorbs a wide range of mycotoxins.

  • Binds all hazardous (Biological & Chemical) molecules in the feed.

  • Detoxifies phyto-toxins and other toxins through biological action.

  • Improves metabolism in the gut.

  • Regulates pH balance in the GIT.

  • Enhances the beneficial biotic balance and reduces pathogenic proliferation.

  • Enhances immunity and feed intake.

  • Protects and rehabilitates the liver and kidney.

  • Rescues animals from severe toxicity.

  • Maximizes the profits of farmers & feed millers by perfect optimum FCR.




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